
Movies, TV & other Media

Committed to creating family-viewable, faith-based content that entertains, educates, empowers, and inspires!

From Left to Right: Betty White, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Sean Faris in “The Lost Valentine”

Maryann is celebrated for co-producing/writing the teleplay for the Hallmark Hall of Fame movie The Lost Valentine. Based on the James Michael Pratt novel, the movie stars Betty White and Jennifer Love Hewitt. Over fifteen million viewers tuned in to watch the film, winning CBS-TV ratings night. The film won the Faith and Freedom Movieguide® Award for inspiring American values and ideals at the nationally televised, star-studded 20th Annual Movieguide® Awards and has since become part of Hallmark’s Gold Crown (DVD) Collector’s Edition. It can also be live-streamed on Hallmark’s movie channel.

Writing & Producing for Film, TV & Video

Currently in Production

TV Series

Simply Delicious Living with Maryann®

Simply Delicious Living with Maryann®, the Telly Award-Winning TV series (& blog) featuring Maryann’s healthy and sustainable recipes is broadcast in Southern California on PBS-TV (KVCR-TV), Dish Network, DirecTV, YouTube, and the Online Magazine.

Simply Delicious Living with Maryann® TV segments also appeared as a Print & Video Column at Ventura County Star, part of the USA Today Network, from 2010 to 2019.

Online Magazine

Simply Delicious Living Online Magazine

Savor the Best in Books, Food & Living with the Simply Delicious Living Online Magazine.


Simply Delicious Living wth Maryann® Podcasts covers three arenas — Simply Delicious Living (Living), Author Talk (Books), The Mystical Rose (Faith)

LISTEN to the Simply Delicious Living PODCAST on Amazon Music, iTunes, and on the SDL Podcast Channel.

Simply Delicious Living PODCAST

On the Simply Delicious Living PODCAST, which covers three different arenas, Host Maryann Ridini Spencer delves into the BEST in:

  • BOOKS showcasing interviews with authors and other creatives (Author Talk)
  • FOOD and joyous LIVING topics (Simply Delicious Living)
  • FAITH (Mystical Rose Podcast)

Magnificat® Proclaims Podcast (Video)

Magnificat® Proclaims Podcast (Audio)

LISTEN to the Magnificat® Ministry Presents Magnificat® Proclaims Audio Podcast at The Ultimate Christian Podcast Network, and in iTunes, iHeart Radio, Spotify, etc.
