Meet Your New BFF
The next time you’re headed to your favorite coffee or tea shop, remember to do something positive for the environment — bring your own reusable cup. Why? Disposable cups provided at establishments serving hot and cold beverages cannot be recycled and end up in the landfill.
Here are some simple tips to remind you to bring your own cup:
- Select a cup that fits your personality. Does the cup have a handle you like? Is it easy to use and clean? Can it be used for hot and cold liquids? Does it have a picture of your cute dog on it? Will this cup fit nicely in your car cup holder?
- Keep your cup in your car or at your desk so you remember to take it with you.
- Wash cups immediately after use, you’re more likely to use your own cup if it’s clean and ready to go.
- Give a reusable cup as a gift to your friends and family to encourage them to think and drink green!
Make your new reusable cup a constant companion or in other words, your new BFF!
–Maryann Ridini Spencer, SimplyDeliciousLiving.com
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