4 Tips to UP Your Health & Wellness in the New Year
Be Good To Yourself!
By Julie Morris for SimplyDeliciousLiving.com
With the arrival of 2018, here are the top four gifts you can give to yourself to help you achieve your personal health and wellness goals.
Start Moving
The start of the New Year is an excellent time to reflect on your personal fitness goals. Whether you let yourself go due to time constraints or in the process of bouncing back after a bout with addiction, accident, or injury, fitness classes should be at the top of your list. In addition to helping you whittle your waistline, a few hours of physical activity each week can help you slash your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and a host of other health conditions.
Group fitness classes are also an excellent social activity that can help you keep in touch with old friends and stay connected to your community.
Get Cooking
While you don’t have to have Gordon Ramsay-level culinary skills, knowing how to cook a solid meal will go a long way toward helping you lead a healthy and positive lifestyle. Not only is cooking at home an excellent way to save money, whipping up your breakfast, lunch or dinner will lead you down a path toward self-sufficiency.
The Art of Manliness (.com) insists that cooking is a creative endeavor that can improve your social skills and self-confidence. That goes for both men & women! When composing your wish list, think of the foods that you enjoy out and Google cookbooks or cooking classes that will help you emulate your favorite foods. If you have children, you might ask for matching cookware and apron sets, which will help you bond with your child while instilling.
Take A Solo Weekend Retreat
There is a huge difference between being lonely and being alone. The former significantly increases your chances of depression and health issues while the latter has quite the opposite effect. Studies have shown, according to Huffington Post, that alone time can help you clear your mind and allow you the opportunity to do the things that you want to do. Enjoying new activities solo will open up the opportunity to meet new people who share similar interests. And being by yourself means you can operate on your own time without worrying about anyone else’s schedule. A weekend retreat to a secluded cabin or hotel/spa would make an excellent addition to your wish list.
Pamper Yourself with Bubble Baths & Bath Bombs
Maybe you don’t like to work out or feel funny about spending time alone away from home. Research has shown that a warm bath may offer many of the same benefits as exercise (though it is absolutely not a replacement). And an hour alone soaking in the tub may help reduce stress and help you renew your mind, body, and spirit.
“Reader’s Digest” asserts that a long bath, complete with soothing music, healing Epsom salt, and therapeutic scents, are great ways to relax and recharge. Bath bombs, a relative newcomer in the field of at-home spa treatments, are an inexpensive treat that your gift givers will likely want to try for themselves, too. As you may have noticed, each of these gift ideas has a central theme, self-care. More than any material item you might receive, time to focus on yourself, even if just for an hour-long bubble bath, is the most valuable gift of all.
–This article appears on Pages 27-30 in the Simply Delicious Living Magazine Winter 2017/2018 issue