
Be Your Own Superhero of Change

I looked up the word “flexibility” in the dictionary just to read how it would be defined. One definition read:

The ability of a material to deform elastically and return to its original shape when the applied stress is removed.” – Wikipedia

I chuckled when I read that. The image I saw in my mind was of the Superhero Elastagirl in the Disney/Pixar Cartoon, The Incredibles. Her body could stretch and contort and revert back to normal with ease. And seeing that image made me think of the fact that CHANGE requires FLEXIBILITY.

And while we humans might not be able to stretch like Elastagirl –

In today’s world of new technology, mergers and acquisitions, downsizing and job evaporation, in order to survive intact, a person has to definitely remain open and able to adapt — be flexible — when necessary.

Some of the most important things you can do when change happens:

Acknowledge the change. There may be some moments of wanting to drown your sorrows in mindless television or eating some good ole’ comfort food but then recognize you have to regroup and get organized.

Think positive. Look at change as an opportunity to grow and expand. Life after all, moves forward. Change is one guarantee we can all count on.

Write your thoughts and goals down. Figure out next steps. Plan and brainstorm with friends and associates. This is the time when nurturing relationships come in very handy. If you’ve built a strong network of friends and business associates, you’ll be able to talk to individuals about how they dealt with various changes in their own lives and what advice they might be able to give you.

Get the support you need.

Be kind to yourself. Plan some activities and events that you love that will cheer you up. Be extra conscious of doing this while you cope with change. Doing what you love with the people you enjoy will keep your spirits on an even keel.

I remember, years ago, I was producing and writing for a TV show. When the show got cancelled, I found myself out of work. I was terrified. However, a wise friend told me to relax and have fun while I mounted a new job search. Getting stressed about it wouldn’t do me any good.

So I heeded that advice. I took a few days off for a well-deserved rest in a relaxing location. I followed that up with spending my days networking and sending out resumes. And I also took time to go to the gym, watch movies that I never had time to watch and read some wonderful books. I kept busy with friends and family and eventually found an amazing job.

During times of critical change, make sure you eat right. Exercise and get enough rest. Meditation can also work wonders. Surround yourself with positivity.

When you feel better and have the right energy, attitude and motivation it requires to remain FLEXIBLE to maneuver around life’s twists and changes, YOU BECOME the SUPERHERO of YOUR OWN LIFE!

Enjoy Simply Delicious Living, Today and Everyday!



The Way of Transition: Embracing Life’s Most Difficult Moments by William Bridges

The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz



