Simply Delicious Vacations Podcast
Simply Delicious Vacations
It’s important for everyone to take a break from life as they know it and revel in the delicious luxury of vacation and of not doing anything – or doing as they please. The complications of life, work and juggling many tasks often lead to stress and stress can definitely take a toll on one’s body, physical appearance and health!
While it’s important to take little breaks (like weekends) and enjoying regular hobbies and activities, there’s nothing more potent than jetting off to a tropical vacation spot or taking an historical tour of a European location.
Vacations are a great way to connect to yourself and to those you love. Travel that gets commemorated in a picture album is also a way to relive the pleasure of a vacation long after the vacation ends.
I’m still delighting in a recent trip my husband and I took to Hawaii. I find that whenever I look at the many photos we took, I get a happy, energized feeling. I almost feel as if we are there!
Some great tips to keep your vacation stress free:
•Get a Vacation Account
Keep a savings account stash of cash just for vacations. Figure out what your budget will allow, then put away a certain amount of money each week on an ongoing basis. You’ll be surprise how it adds up.
•Plan ahead
Research your destination. Talk to friends who might have traveled to the spot. Get recommendations for accommodations, food and sightseeing. Research information on the net. Better yet, perhaps an acquaintance might know some of the locals you can contact before you leave home. Some of my best experiences have transpired when I’ve contacted friends of friends. I’ve gotten some great, personalized tours of places that could have never been duplicated otherwise.
•Speak at least a few words
Knowing to say hello, goodbye, thank you, yes and no along with “Where’s the toilet?” and some other important phrases can serve you well. While you may not be in for taking a Rosetta stone course, you can always find an English translation dictionary on Amazon.com or in your local bookstore.
•Understand the customs and local you’re visiting
Americans have a bad enough rap as it is overseas. So, why not get caught up on the local customs? Research the country and towns you’ll be visiting. When you get to your destination, you’ll feel like a local and get a great education while you’re at it!
•Get some of the local currency before you leave home. Travel with secure Traveler’s checks.
While you may want to pay for everything on your trip with credit cards (a good idea to keep accurate records), you may also want to have a few dollars in your pocket of the local currency. Traveler’s checks are also a great way to go because they’re refundable, if lost or stolen and usually within 24 hours.
•Pack well
Find out the weather of the locale you’ll be visiting at the time of your visit. Bring various layers of dress just in case. It’s always a good idea to pack wash and wear and clothing that looks great no matter how wrinkled it gets. Bring multi-purpose clothes. For women, a dress you can wear during the day with sandals and at night with a pretty scarf or different jewelry to jazz it up. For men, a jacket that can be worn casually and with/or without a tie. (So at night, you can get into that exclusive restaurant!).
•Let work know you are on vacation (try not to answer emails)
A vacation is when you vacate your usual life. So put away the computer and texting. Let the office know you’ll be unreachable. Make sure you have someone qualified to cover for you just in case there’s a problem at work. Don’t feel guilty. You deserve your vacation. It’s also a good idea to post your pictures on Facebook when you get home. (It’s NOT a good idea to let everyone know you’re out of town!).
•Take lots of pictures
I know some folks that moan and groan that they have to get their picture taken. However, these same folks love seeing the photos post-vacation – especially as the years go by. So tell your family, spouse, friend or anyone else on the trip with you to, “Chill!” You’re making memories here! Many new cameras also have video capabilities. If a picture says a thousand words then a video can, well you get the idea.
•Bring home a memorable item that will represent your trip
I always love to pick up a local artist’s painting, watercolor or stencil when I travel. That way, when I look at them hanging on the wall at home, the memories flood back. You might also pick up a beautiful piece of furniture that you can ship back or some other item that has meaning just for you. Vacations are all part of Simply Delicious Living, so enjoy your trip, even if it’s a weekend jaunt, you deserve every moment. To find out more about simply delicious living, visit my blog at SimplyDeliciousLiving.tv
Listen to Simply Delicious Vacations Podcast in iTunes, CLICK HERE.