Be Your Own Superhero of Change
I looked up the word “flexibility” in the dictionary just to read how it would be defined. One definition read: "The ability of a material to deform elastically and return to its original shape when the applied stress is removed." -
Intuition: Follow Your Truth
Have you ever had a 'gut' feeling about something – positive or negative – that you feel gives you extra insight into a particular situation? If so, do you sometimes not know how to proceed? Maybe it’s something related to work.
Top Tips for Busting The Blues
If you’re like most people, there are going to be days you just might not feel like getting out of bed or at least, out of your PJs. Perhaps you’ve broken up with your boyfriend or girlfriend? Maybe you’ve had a
Scrapbook Your Dreams
By Maryann Ridini Spencer Creative Visualization is defined in the dictionary as "the technique of using one's imagination to visualize specific behaviors or events occurring in one's life"). I’ve often talk about how my Mother, shared creative visualization techniques with me
Conscious Eating: It’s More Than Just A Meal!
By Maryann Ridini Spencer Simply Delicious Living is, in part, about making every meal an experience and - when it comes your body-mind-spirit balance - it's about living a healthy, creative, fulfilling and joyous life. There are certain things we do everyday
Creating Abundance In Your Life
By Maryann Ridini Spencer When I was a child and as I grew up, my mother always taught my brothers, sister and I how to visualize what we wanted to achieve. She was a great believer in positive thinking and "affirming"
SimplyDeliciousLiving.TV announces NEW Weekly Podcast Series on iTunes!
Simply Delicious Living.TV's Maryann Ridini Spencer will host NEW "Simply Delicious Living" Weekly Podcast Series on iTunes. SUBSCRIBE by Clicking the "Subscribe to Our Podcasts" on our BLOG Home Page under "Follow US" also, CLICK HERE. ALSO CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.
A Simply Delicious “Food For Thought” Podcast – Creating Your Luck!
A Simply Delicious Podcast - Luck of the Irish? You Decide. Direct from the Writer's Desk, Maryann Ridini Spencer shares a NEW way to look at "the luck of the Irish!" To Create Your Own Luck! LISTEN HERE CLICK BELOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO
Luck of the Irish? You Decide.
PODCAST DOWNLOAD: Luck of the Irish? You Decide. by Maryann Ridini Spencer, Recipe & Video Blog According to Wikipedia, the term luck - "is good fortune which occurs beyond one's control, without regard to one's will, intention or desired result." Do you