AUTHOR TALK May 18, 2023, “It’s All About Showing Up”

On Thursday, May 18, 2023, 1:00 PM Pacific, Author Maryann Ridini Spencer hosts a FACEBOOK LIVE AUTHOR TALK Roundtable (at https://Facebook.com/MaryannRidiniSpencer) with Authors Lady Robbie Motter (https://robbiemotter.com), author of “It’s All About Showing Up: The Power is in the Asking Volume 2” (https://amzn.to/3MjwzXX). The book is an Anthology of 64 Individual heartfelt stories written by 64 authors, including Author Talk panelists Barbara Berg (https://ringshui.com), Madeline Plate, Charmaine Summers, and Kay Sheffield. The Purpose of “It’s All About Showing Up” is to provide examples of how implementing important mantras can be life-changing. Each story is entirely different, emphasizing how “Showing Up” changed the trajectory of their life path or how having the courage to “Ask” led them to where they are.