
Five Stormwater Tips for When It Rains

When it rains it drains into our storm drain system and out into our waterways and ocean. Here are five simple reminders to prevent stormwater pollution:

  1. Check your vehicles for leaks and put yourself on a regular maintenance schedule to be proactive before there’s an issue.
  2. Take your car to a commercial car wash, they have requirements to filter and recycle the water.
  3. Recycle your used motor oil. Call (805) 652-4525 for more information on locations of Certified Oil Recycling Centers (https://www.cityofventura.ca.gov/274/Motor-Oil).
  4. Compost yard and grass clippings making sure they don’t reach the curb or street where they may reach the storm drain system.
  5. If you must use yard fertilizers and pesticides, opt for less toxic choices and be sure to read the label and apply accordingly. Avoid applying before any rain storm.


-This article by Maryann Ridini Spencer also appears in Sustainable Ventura News.