Save The Date: Feb. 20, 2018, 7-8:00 PM PST, Dr. Lesley Phillips interviews Maryann
SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday, February 20, 2018, 7-8:00 PM PST, I’ll be talking to Talk Radio Show Host Dr. Lesley Phillips on her popular show, “Unlocking Your Truth.” The show brings you information on metaphysics, intuition, meditation, and spirituality with the goal to uplift, inspire and to expand your concept of reality. I’ll be discussing my new novel, “Lady in the Window,” which deals with living your authentic life as well as talking to Dr. Lesley about other themes found in my novel, “Living the Way of Aloha,” hope, healing, karmic romance, and the infinite mother-daughter bond!
You can live-stream on CIVL.ca or tune in on 101.7 FM if you live in the Fraser Valley, BC. LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW, CLICK HERE.