Whoopie Pies
Growing up, Whoopie Pies were always a favorite in my family’s dessert repertoire. Here’s a great little twist – using healthy coconut oil instead of lard or butter!
- ½ c. soft coconut oil
- 1 c. coconut milk
- 1 c. sugar
- 2 c. flour
- 5 T. coca
- 2 egg yolks
- 1 tsp. baking soda
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- ½ tsp. salt
- 1.5 tsp. vanilla extract
- 2 egg whites
- 2 c. confectioner’s sugar
- 1 tsp. vanilla
- ¼ tsp. salt
- ½ c. coconut oil
- Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
- Sift dry ingredients together.
- Add in the rest of the ingredients and mix until smooth and well blended.
- Drop by teaspoon on an ungreased cookie sheet.
- Bake 10-12 minutes in 375 degree oven until set, but not crisp.
- When the cakes are cool, put together the whoopie pies adding in the sandwich filling.
- WHOOPIE PIE FILLING Mix ingredients together until smooth. Add whoopie pie filling between whoopie pie cake tops and bottoms.
©2012 – Maryann Ridini Spencer
“Simply Delicious Living with Maryann®” is a FUN and Enchanting journey serving up simply delicious recipes and dedicated to all things home, hearth and joyous living!
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