Roasted Rosemary Potatoes
Roasted Rosemary Potatoes
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Author: Maryann Ridini Spencer
Recipe type: side dish
Serves: 4
- 5-6 small red Idaho potatoes, sliced into small circles
- Fresh rosemary leaves
- Toasted garlic (or garlic gloves diced)
- Garlic Salt
- Olive Oil
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
- On a cookie sheet or small roasting pan, drizzle olive oil over the bottom of the pan.
- Cut potatoes into small cubes.
- Put potatoes into a large bowl.
- Sprinkle Fresh rosemary leaves all over potatoes
- Sprinkle toasted garlic over top of potatoes (or garlic gloves, diced)
- Sprinkle garlic salt.
- Toss well.
- Place potato mixture on top of olive oil in pan.
- Bake in the oven for approximately 30 minutes (or until golden brown).
- Serve hot or cold.
These potatoes are great as a side dish with a fish or meat entree. You can also serve them for breakfast with eggs. I like them in my Warm Spinach Salad too!
©2012 – Maryann Ridini Spencer
“Simply Delicious Living with Maryann®” is a FUN and Enchanting journey serving up simply delicious recipes and dedicated to all things home, hearth and joyous living!