FACEBOOK LIVE Author Talk, April 28, 2022, 1:00 PM PT
JOIN US Thursday, April 28, 2022, 1:00 PM Pacific Time at https://facebook.com/MaryannRidiniSpencer for a FACEBOOK LIVE AUTHOR TALK on Writing, Publishing, Inspiration, Marketing & More! AUTHORS: Robbie Motter, ("How to Rise Up and Achieve," https://amzn.to/34PO3sk); Angela Covnay, Publisher, (https://havanabookgroup.com); Maryann
Vegetable Strata
For a delicious “meatless” meal this Vegetable Strata dish can be served by itself, with a salad, or as a side with your choice of protein. For a Vegan version of this recipe, use a dairy-free Italian-inspired cheese. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uq6IVaDy5Cw&t=3s Vegetable Strata Ingredients for the Marinara
Creating Content for different mediums: Maryann talks to GSFE Northern California March 24
Maryann Ridini Spencer speaks to GSFE's Northern California Chapter about "Creating, Writing & Producing Content for TV, Film & Podcast mediums. To register, see flyer or contact Stone Love, 510.972.0528, [email protected].
AUTHOR TALK March 24, 2022
JOIN US Thursday, March 24, 2022, 1:00 PM Pacific Time at https://facebook.com/MaryannRidiniSpencer for a FACEBOOK LIVE AUTHOR TALK on Writing, Publishing, Inspiration, Marketing & More! AUTHORS: Robbie Motter, ("How to Rise Up and Achieve," https://amzn.to/34PO3sk); Angela Covnay, Publisher, (https://havanabookgroup.com); Maryann Ridini Spencer, ("Secrets
Chili Lime Cauliflower Rice
Cook up this simply yummy CHILI LIME CAULIFLOWER RICE in under 30 minutes for dinner! Serve on its own or with a protein of your choice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZNufnFwWHM&t=5s Chili Lime Cauliflower Rice 1/2 c. red onion, diced2 c. fresh spinach1/2 c. carrots, shredded1/2 c.
Maryann on READ MY LIPS with host RADIO RED, Monday, February 21, 2022, 4pm PT
Maryann Ridini Spencer joins host RADIO RED on "READ MY LIPS," 4 PM Pacific Time/7 PM Eastern Time on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel, LISTEN: https://www.voiceamerica.com/show/3958/read-my-lips-cool-conversations-with-creatives
She Inspires Me (SIMA) Awards 2022
Thank you to Global Society for Female Entrepreneurs (GSFE) and the SIMA Awards (She Inspires Me Awards) for this wonderful honor. I so appreciate it! Get Your Tickets at: https://www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org
December 16, 2021 AUTHOR TALK
JOIN US Thursday, December 16, 2021, 1:00 PM for a FACEBOOK LIVE AUTHOR TALK on Writing, Publishing, Marketing & more at https://facebook.com/SantaRosaPress! AUTHORS: Dr.Nephetina Serrano ("Rise Up: Women Who Lead Building Legacy" https://amzn.to/3m0StSz); Kimberly Anderson ("Goddesses Among Us 2 https://amzn.to/3dPtfln); Robbie Motter, Author,
Apple Spice Galette
A great holiday treat that cuts down on refined sugar and that’s great on taste is a fruit galette made with fresh or frozen fruit and no white sugar. It’s excellent as a dessert, on its own, or with a